2023 Bear Harvest in Wisconsin Hits Lowest Since 2008

Posted by Tactical Supply Company on Dec 3rd 2023

2023 Bear Harvest in Wisconsin Hits Lowest Since 2008

A recent announcement by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has revealed that the 2023 bear hunting season saw a significant decrease in the number of harvested bears. The total number of bears harvested this year was 2,922, a sharp drop from the previous year's figure of 4,009. This represents the lowest annual bear harvest since 2008 and is well below the recent annual average of around 4,000 bears.

The decline in the bear harvest was observed across all management zones in the state. The success rate for hunters also saw a decrease, dropping from the previous five-year average success rate of 32% to just 23%. The success rates for individual zones varied widely, ranging from about 60% in Zone A to as low as 5% in Zones E and F.

Randy Johnson, DNR Large Carnivore Specialist, attributed this decline largely to an unusually high acorn crop across much of the state. The abundance of natural food often leads to reduced hunter success rates as baits become less effective. This was echoed in the anecdotal reports from bear hunters who mentioned the incredible abundance of acorns and other natural foods in the woods.

Despite the overall decrease, some areas were less severely impacted than others. Zones A and B, located in the northern and northeastern parts of Wisconsin, saw hunter success rates closer to average at 59% and 50% respectively. Zone C, however, fell well short of its harvest target with lower than average success rates. Zone D, in the northwestern part of the state, also experienced a significant drop in harvest and success rates. This is likely due to recent management actions aimed at reducing bear populations in this area, coupled with the abundance of natural food this fall.

The southern zones E and F also saw declines in average hunter success rates and total harvest. The 2023 bear season ran from September 6th to October 10th. A total of 12,760 bear hunting licenses were awarded through the license lottery system, with nearly 138,000 people applying for a bear hunting license or preference point for the 2023 season, setting a record for the number of applicants.

Bear hunting in Wisconsin continues to grow in popularity, both statewide and nationally. Johnson encourages hunters to familiarize themselves with management zone boundaries, season frameworks, and license wait times as they plan their hunting activities for the coming years. Hunters who wish to obtain a license or preference point for the 2024 season are urged to apply through Go Wild before the December 10th deadline.

Wisconsin boasts a thriving and expanding bear population, estimated at about 25,000 individuals. The bears cover more than half of the state, with concentrations in the forested regions of northern and central Wisconsin and a slow expansion trend towards the south. Hunters play a crucial role in bear management by providing critical data from every harvested bear. This information is used by the DNR to track trends, achieve management objectives, and maintain a healthy bear population.

For those interested in bear hunting and looking for tactical supplies or tactical equipment, such as night vision scopes and binoculars, it's important to prepare well in advance. A well-equipped hunter with items like a glock 19 x or solvent traps can significantly increase their chances of success. For more information about black bear hunting, ecology, and management in Wisconsin, visit the DNR’s Bear Hunting webpage.