Missouri Hunters Conclude Successful Deer Season

Posted by Tactical Supply Company on Nov 22nd 2023

Missouri Hunters Conclude Successful Deer Season

As the crisp air of autumn gave way to the rustle of fallen leaves, Missouri's dedicated hunters took to the woods, fields, and blinds in pursuit of white-tailed deer. The firearms deer season, a highly anticipated event in the Show-Me State's hunting calendar, has concluded its November chapter. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has now tallied the results, providing insights into the success of this year's hunt.

During the season, which spanned from November 11th to the 21st, hunters harvested a commendable total of 193,669 deer. This impressive count included 105,614 antlered bucks, 71,974 does, and 16,081 button bucks. These figures showcase not only the skill and dedication of Missouri hunters but also the robust health of the state's deer population.

Franklin County emerged as the season's leader with hunters bagging 4,289 deer. Hot on its heels were Texas, Howell, and Callaway counties with notable harvests of 4,208, 3,749, and 3,211 deer respectively. These counties have consistently proven to be prime hunting grounds and have maintained their status as top destinations for deer hunting throughout the year.

While this year's harvest was slightly below the previous year's tally, it still surpassed the average of the past five years. The MDC reported a 3% decrease from last year's count but noted a 2% increase over the five-year average. To put this into perspective, Missouri's total deer harvest for the year is currently at 267,895. This figure aligns with historical harvest data dating back to 1996 when around 200,000 deer were taken. In contrast, the harvest approached 300,000 in 2020.

Missouri's hunters have much more to look forward to, with multiple hunting seasons on the horizon. These upcoming seasons provide additional opportunities for both seasoned hunters and those new to the sport to engage with Missouri's rich outdoor heritage.

For those preparing for future hunts or looking to enhance their experience in the great outdoors, it is essential to have the right tactical equipment. Whether it's upgrading to night vision scopes and binoculars for enhanced visibility in low-light conditions or ensuring firearms are properly maintained with solvent traps, having reliable gear is key to a successful and responsible hunt.

Moreover, hunters can improve their tactical supplies by considering various options that suit their specific needs. From selecting the perfect glock 19 x for personal defense to choosing appropriate camouflage and other gear, every detail can make a difference in the field.

The MDC continues to encourage safe and ethical hunting practices while promoting conservation efforts that ensure sustainable wildlife populations for future generations. As such, hunters play a vital role in Missouri's conservation story by participating in regulated hunting seasons that help manage deer populations and contribute to habitat conservation efforts.

The conclusion of the November firearms deer season marks another chapter in Missouri's storied hunting tradition. With a harvest that reflects both past success and future promise, hunters can take pride in their contributions to conservation while looking ahead to more opportunities to enjoy Missouri's natural bounty.

As we reflect on this season's achievements and anticipate those yet to come, let us celebrate the spirit of outdoor adventure that thrives in Missouri. Together, hunters and conservationists alike can continue to preserve the state's wildlife legacy for generations to enjoy.